Saturday, April 21, 2012


I'm going to attempt to sum up 3 months of training in a short post. I might elaborate later but I'm paying by the minute for internet and I am making only 3 bucks a day.

My wonderful family during training that made sure I was fed, clean, and happy.
So I live in a little village called Mulongushi. I bike 12k each way to school everyday in Chipembi on roads that would be mountain bike trails in the US. A typical day is greeing up with the roosters at 5 or 6. Breakfast of bread or fritters made be my wonderful Bamaayo. 4 hours of Bemba class (Just took my Language Proficency Exam Wednesday and passed, don't know my official score yet though). Biking to Chipembi for 3.5 hours of technical training, this includes conservation farming, gardening, planting tree nurseries, agrobusiness etc. Farming in Zambia is largly subststance farming and our goal in the village is to help farmers grow crops more efficently so they can make enough in food and income to feed their families the whole year, send their kids to school and generally improve their lives. At the same time cutting down on the slash and burn style of farming, planting trees and reducing the impact of charcol production.

Training is almost over, we swear in on Friday as volunteers! Then I will be moving to my village of Mabula, 30km northeast of Kasama, in Northern provence. I will be the first generation of PCV in my village.

Kaila, Peter and I after our Swear-in
I can't think of anything else to share at the moment. Ask questions if you have any. Soon I will have more frequent access to the internet at the prov house in Kasama or maybe on my phone. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone.
